Objectives and activities

The fundamental purpose of the “Perspective Danes” Association is the promotion of Christian values within disadvantaged communities without any discrimination. The specific objectives of the activities carried out by the “Perspective Danes” Association are as follows:

  1. Support and promotion of Christian education.
  2. Improvement of life in all aspects within disadvantaged communities.
  3. Education to raise awareness of the social roles of members within disadvantaged communities.

Activities to achieve these objectives

  1. Providing aid in the form of goods (food, including hot meals, clothing, medication) through organized actions to individuals, either systematically or occasionally, in private or public spaces, including the Association’s premises.
  2. Occasional donations of goods and services; essential goods, facilitating medical treatment abroad for those who cannot receive it domestically.
  3. Offering material aid in crisis situations.
  4. Procuring and distributing solid and liquid fuel to those in need.
  5. Organizing educational and recreational activities for children and adolescents: weekly programs.
  6. Educational and recreational activities for adults.
  7. Organizing courses, conferences, and thematic meetings on Christian values and their application in society, in rented or external spaces.
  8. Organizing actions to raise public awareness on issues faced by disadvantaged social groups and promoting their constitutional rights.
  9. Conducting studies, research, and surveys as useful tools to achieve the Association’s goals.
  10. Organizing courses, conferences, and thematic meetings on topics related to parental education, family planning, self-awareness, and personal development for youth and adults.
  11. Organizing actions to collect money and/or material funds, food, clothing, logistics, etc., for humanitarian aid.
  12. Developing family counseling programs, including medical, social, legal, couples, and parental counseling.
  13. Sponsoring and supporting the education and development of disadvantaged students, including university students or those training in fields related to the Association’s purpose.
  14. Collaborating with authorities, media, schools, churches, prisons, social-medical units, and families to reduce drug consumption, juvenile delinquency, crime, and abortion.
  15. Organizing activities that have a social and cultural impact on the community.
  16. Promoting and supporting the concept of volunteering in Romania by recruiting, training, and placing volunteers.
  17. Organizing practical activities to improve community and family life with volunteers, both domestically and internationally, to assist with repairs, construction, and restoration of public or private properties.
  18. Conducting studies, research, and surveys as tools to achieve the Association’s goals.
  19. Collaborating, supporting, and initiating partnerships with public or private social assistance institutions domestically and internationally to achieve the Association’s purposes.
  20. Editing and distributing books, publications, and audio-visual materials with Christian, social, and medical themes, and establishing libraries and video libraries.
  21. Constructing necessary facilities for the established goals, providing the material base, means of transport, communication, and information, and other furnishings.
  22. Covering the costs necessary to represent the interests of the Association’s beneficiaries before state and/or private institutions by authorized individuals.

The Association will also be able to perform the following activities:

  • Establishing daytime centers for the elderly and providing social work activities without accommodation, equivalent to NACE code 8810, including psycho-social and informational counseling, legal counseling by a registered legal counselor or advocate, socialization and recreational activities, recovery and relaxation therapies, organizing and participating in community and cultural activities, assistance, and support for the elderly’s family, support for administrative activities and goods management, and other activities as needed: emergency hotline, vocational orientation support, charity activities involving food donations, material and financial aid, relaxation therapies, cultural and administrative activities.

  • Establishing day centers for coordination and information for abandoned children, and providing daily care for children, equivalent to NACE code 8811. This includes early education and development, care, medical assistance and recovery, recovery therapies, support for skills needed for independent living, socialization and recreational activities, family and community reintegration, legal counseling by a registered legal counselor or advocate, vocational guidance, raising public awareness about the situation of abandoned children, offering warm meals or meal preparation services, and child care services during the day provided by nannies, household management.

  • Establishing daytime centers for parental counseling and support and other social work activities without accommodation, equivalent to NACE code 8899. This includes psycho-social family and child counseling, child supervision, family counseling, child-rearing education, extracurricular education, socialization and social reintegration, emotional support.

  • Establishing centers for food preparation and distribution for those at risk of poverty, social canteens serving warm meals, preparation and distribution of warm and cold meals, cleaning activities, own administration for the supply of necessary products for meal preparation, food collection and distribution based on the food bank model, and lawful trading of food.